I just renewed my passport online and now I am wondering how to keep it safe at home and while traveling. Keeping your passport safe while traveling is paramount. As most people know it is a toss-up on whether is worse to lose your passport or your cell phone while traveling. A lost or stolen passport will definitely disrupt your travel plans and cause unnecessary stress.
At home, keep your passport in a safe place along with your other valuables. I would suggest a fire proof safe because water damage is more likely to ruin your valuables then theft. This is not an option when you travel. Here are some tips on where to keep your passport while you travel:
Secure, Accessible, and Discreet
- Passport Holder: Invest in a sturdy passport holder with RFID blocking technology to protect your personal information.
- Money Belt or Hidden Pouch: These discreet options keep your passport secure and out of sight.
- Hotel Safe: Utilize the in-room safe provided by your hotel. I would recommend that you do not carry your passport around in a foreign country unless you have to. Typically, an electronic copy can satisfy a whole bunch of the local needs.
Avoid These Common Mistakes:
- Back Pocket: This is a common mistake that makes your passport vulnerable to theft. If you are going to keep it in your pocket, use your front pocket instead.
- Luggage: Never pack your passport in your checked luggage. This does not make sense for two reasons. First, the airline could lose your bags. Second, immigration and passport control are typically before you receive your bags. So, if your passport is in a checked bag, you may not be able to enter your destination country.
- Day Bag: While convenient, a day bag can be easily misplaced or stolen. I can not tell you how many times, my wife and I have left our bag at a restaurant or put it down to take a photo. It can easily be taken or lost in that case.
Additional Tips:
- Make Copies: Keep copies of your passport’s identification page and visa pages. I can not stress the importance of having copies of all of your important documents.
- Digital Backup: Scan your passport and store it securely online or on a separate device. Once your passport, credit cards, drivers license and other important documents are copied, upload them to a cloud-based service so you can access them anywhere.
- Inform Your Embassy or Consulate: Register your travel plans with your local embassy or consulate. This is a very beneficial action but I do not know of anyone who actually does this.
- Travel Insurance: Consider purchasing travel insurance to cover passport loss or theft. If you need it, it is money well spent.
- Always check the expiration date of your passport prior to departure. It is not uncommon to forget your passport expiration date. Some countries will not allow you enter if your passport is not valid for a period of 6 months after you travel.
Remember, losing valuable documents like your passport, can ruin your trip! Take the appropriate steps to protect them and you will reduce the stress of traveling.