The Ultimate Packing List for Your Next Bike Tour


I am thinking of going on a bike tour this summer.  My dream tour is the Epic Cross Country to Coast Bike Tour that takes you from San Diego, California to St Augustine, Florida in 45 days.  Unfortunately, that will never happen for me.  I cannot see leaving my family for a month and half.  There is no way that they would join me in it either.

As I started to research various companies and destinations, I wanted to see what you needed to bring.  Depending on the tour company, if you use one at all, the list may be really long.  There are some tours where you need to be entirely self-sufficient.  Assuming you do not go that way, I compiled a list of things you should take on your bike tour


  • Bike Helmet
  • Water bottle or hydration pack
  • Smartphone, GPS or route map
  • Sunglasses or clear lenses
  • Sunscreen
  • Emergency contact info


  • Electrolyte powder
  • Energy bars
  • Nuts
  • Fresh fruit
  • Reflectors
  • Bike Lock
  • Mirror (on handlebar or helmet)

Repair Items 

  • 1 Spare Tube for each 4 days of riding.  So, if you are on a 6-day tour, bring 2 spare tubes
  • 2 Spare Tires
  • Patch kit – always good to have when you ride regardless of distance
  • Pump or CO2
  • Tire levers
  • Multi-tool
  • Exam or Surgical Gloves – it makes changing a tire much easier and cleaner
  • Wipes to clean your hands during the ride


  • 2 to 3 Cycling Jersies
  • 2 to 3 Bike Shorts
  • Bike Shoes
  • Socks (wool or synthetic)
  • 3 Pairs of Biking Gloves
  • Sweat Bands/Caps/Bandana
  • Post-Ride Shoes or Sandals
  • Post-Ride Set of Clothes – Shirt, Shorts/Pants, Underwear, Socks, etc.
  • Swimsuit


  • Credit Card
  • Cash
  • Driver’s License
  • Passport (if travelling internationally)
  • Print or Electronic Copies of Passport, Driver’s License and Credit Cards
  • Travel Insurance Card


  • Phone
  • Toilet Paper
  • Basic First Aid Kit
  • Laundry Soap.  At some point you will need to wash your biking clothes and it is better to have some laundry soup to clean them.

Start with these basics and build from here.  Some additional items may be required if you are traveling without support like bike bags and such.  If you are going the luxury route, then you will have the flexibility to bring a complete set of luggage with many additional options.

Remember to have fun.  This is a great way to see the land you are biking through!