Ryanair’s Controversial Plan: A Two-Drink Limit at Airport Bars


Recently Ryanair renewed its calls to restrict the number of drinks that a passenger can consume in the airport to only 2 drinks.  It seems that passengers on multiple Ryanair flights have been getting drunk and disruptive.  Ryanair reported that one incident costs them over $15,000 because of diverting the plane and the crew timing out.

One could argue that reducing the number of alcohol beverages would be a good thing all around since people tend to act more freely as they consume more alcohol.  The cynical person that I am may be thinking that if you restrict the number of beverages a person can have in the airport that would increase the number that they have on the flight.  This would drive more alcohol sales and profits to Ryanair.

Airports are not on board with this proposal.  They have responded that any alcohol over indulgence is a rare case and the airlines should monitor these situations.  Especially when airlines themselves serve alcohol to passengers,  This added alcohol sales will add to any existing problems.

I do not see these restrictions being put into place especially with the airport bars paying for the right to sell alcohol to passengers.  If you restrict their ability to generate revenue, these bars will want a reduction in rent and the airports themselves will need to make up revenue.  Also, with all the flight delays, a drink can calm down passengers frustrated with all the flight issues.  By restricting a passenger’s ability to self soothe, you may create more flight rage.  In this case, there will be a bunch of unexpected consequences that may will negatively impact airlines, airports and passengers.

My recommendation is for bars to monitor their patrons and if they appear drunk or unruly, then they could cut them off.  Following that, airline personnel can deny boarding of a drunk passenger and not sell them any more alcohol beverages.