New York Mobile ID


A couple of weeks ago, New York launched its New York Mobile ID. To utilize it, you need to down load an app from either the Google Play Store or Apple App Store. The MiD App is pretty easy to use. Just download it and fill out some information. After that you scan in your driver’s license and verify it is you by taking a selfie.

But it begs the question on what value does it offer. When the App was released, they said that it serves as a companion to a physical ID. This translates that you still need to take your physical license.

You can use it at 30 participating Airports which may or not be good news. You will still need to take you physical license so what is the real benefit. Police and businesses have not committed to using it. So in the end, it is a novelty.

With that being said, I still signed up for it. Why, in the unlikely event that I lose my wallet or it is stolen, I have this digital license as back up. There was minimal effort in downloading it and there is no cost associated with it. If you phone is stolen, the person trying to access it would have to have the login credential to gain access to your mobile id.

People have been complaining that if and when police accept this then you are giving up your phone for search. Maybe an issue but not a big one. Seems to me that people are looking for ways to crap on this idea. This may or may not grow into something. But in the end, as a backup not a lot of risk.