I am headed on a road trip with my family and was thinking of what we definitely need to take.
Disinfectant Wipes — Every trip should start and end with Disinfectant Wipes. Life is dirty and what better way to clean up then with the wipes.
Medicine Kit — I can not tell you how many times we need something from the med kit like Band-Aids or burn cream. Once you have this kit in the car, you can forget about it until you need it.
Air Pump — Take it from me, if you see a tire warning light go on an you are in the middle of nowhere, you will thank me for it. The first time this happened to me, I was 30 miles from the end of the world hoping that they could fix my tire. If I had an air pump, I could have avoided a whole lot of stress. It is great in an emergency.
Jumper Cables — If you car batter dies, you may be able to find another car to help you jumpstart yours but don’t bet on them having jumper cables. From my research only 20% of cars have jumper cables in them. Once again, this is an item that you buy and forget about it until you need it.
As a public service announcement, jumper cables will not help you if you have an electric car and your battery dies. In that event, you are screwed.
Water Bottles — Another lesson from my personal experience. When you are traveling, someone in your car will invariably get thirsty and if it is a small child, that can be hell if no beverage is around. So it is easy to keep bottles of water in the car. Just don’t leave them there during the summer months since melting bottles present other issues.
Snacks — You would think that I am adding this for the kids but in reality it also works with your spouse. Nothing good happens when someone starts asking and then complaining for food. You can go the healthy option with fruit or something like that but in my experience traditional snacks on road trips will quell the any uprising that may occur.
Surgical Gloves — Once again in the category that life is messy, it is great if you have some gloves in the car. If you have to fix something, you put them on and do you business. Once done, just throw the gloves away.
Swiss Army Knife (or Utility Knife) — I doubt you will use all the features of a utility knife but some come in really handed like the screw driver, scissors, bottle openers and saw. If you are not handy like me then it is always good to have one of these multi-tools around to deal with semi issues.
There are a whole bunch of other items that I take with me that don’t make it to the list since they are not as important like paper towels, extra toilet paper, flashlights, charging cables and like. Just remember, it is so much better to take these items and hope you will not need them than not take them and find out in an emergency that you do in fact need them.
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