Key Travel Tip — Copy Important Documents


As the summer heats up, people are traveling more. Here is a word of advice, scan and save all of your important documents. I am specifically mentioning your Driver’s License, Passport, Credit Card, Printed Reservations, Vouchers and the like. It is not uncommon to lose one or more documents when you travel.

I had a friend whose wallet was stolen right before she was to fly home from Las Vegas. Believe it or not, TSA allowed her to board her flight with a copy of her license along with a police report documenting that her wallet was stolen. At the time, I could not believe and today I am a little surprised about this.

So even if you have a digital drivers license or Clear membership, it is a good idea to have a scan of these important documents.

The way you set it up is to scan your documents and create an online folder (on a service like Google Drive) so that you can access it anywhere in the world even if you lose your phone. If you have a scanner at home, that is great.

If not, then you can either take a photo of these documents or better yet, you can use Adobe Scan. Simple to use even for old folks like me.

So take it from, scan and store your documents so you have one less thing to worry about when you travel.